Host Fredy for the Koncept Hotel International


Host Fredy for the Koncept Hotel International


Fredy came to Germany for the first time over twenty years ago. As an au pair, because his mother wanted to help him learn the German language better.

He lived with a nice family in a small village near Solingen, and although he had it good there, his surroundings were very foreign to him. Fredy travelled to many places in Europe with his host family, saw great cities. But the first time they visited Cologne together, it was an encounter in a shoe shop that made him feel that this city was different.

Now Fredy has been living in the cathedral city for over ten years and has taken his neighbourhood Lindenthal with its canals and the city forest to his heart.

And for you, he tells his story here…


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The Latin American scene in Cologne is colourful and diverse. From traditional ristorantes like El Inca and small snack bars like Miguelito’s to the hip fusion cuisine of Tigermilch, you’ll find the different flavours of South and Central America pretty much everywhere in Cologne.

And that’s not all: Fredy also has some good tips if you want to dance a little. Herbrand’s, Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld and La Latina have regular salsa parties.

Host Fredy for the Koncept Hotel International

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